Spread the Word

National Concussion Awareness Day is this month on September 20. Are you ready to start the concussion conversation? Together, we can create a future where every person with a concussion receives the right diagnosis, the best possible care, and the resources and information they need.

The contents of your head are precious: Your memories, your personality, your thoughts—all things that make you, you. Don’t let a brain injury put them at risk.

If you hit your melon, get it checked. And, commit to starting the conversation around concussion symptoms, care, and prevention. A little discussion can go a long way toward protecting the heads of the people you love, too.

We’ve got you covered. Here are just a few resources you can use to learn more about concussions—and help others in your circle learn more, too.

If you need immediate help, the compassionate and knowledgeable experts at the National Brain Injury Information Center are here to help. Call 1-800-444-6443 or send us a secure message and we’ll help you get connected with local resources in your area.