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Making an Investment through Planned Giving
Making an Investment
Planned giving is a way to support BIAV now and in the future – your legacy gift is an investment in the value that BIAV is able to provide to the brain injury community.

How can you help through a planned gift?
Through a Bequest: A gift made as part of a will or trust.
Through Retirement Accounts: A retirement plan can be a tax-efficient and simple way of including BIAV in your estate planning. You may also be able to make a gift to BIAV with a "qualified charitable distribution" or "IRA charitable rollover" from your Individual Retirement Account (IRA), and take advantage of tax savings. Best for charitably minded people with large qualified retirement plans and/or IRAs.
Through Other Planned Giving Methods: There are a number of ways estates can be gifted to BIAV through things like Charitable Lead Trusts, Charitable Remainder Trusts, Donor-Advised Funds and/or Life Insurance. If you want to know more, BIAV has resources for additional information from financial advisors on these ways to donate.
For more information on investing in the Brain Injury Association of Virginia through a planned gift, please contact Liz Wilson, Director of Development at [email protected]