Online Courses

The Brain Injury Association has developed these self-paced online courses for individual's impacted by brain injury.

Self-Paced Online Courses

The Brain Injury Association of Virginia is excited to provide our new library of self-paced online courses!  Online courses offer a flexible and convenient way for everyone to enhance their skills, abilities and knowledge!

Virginia Brain Injury Certificate Course


Designed to provide a basic understanding of brain anatomy, functional impacts of brain injury, effective interventions, and the services and supports offered in Virginia.

Virginia Behavior Supports Course


 Designed to provide a basic understanding of and intervention strategies for persons with brain injury who are experiencing behavioral challenges that interfere with their safety and independence.

Navigating After Brain Injury, for Individuals and their Families


Provides a basic understanding of brain anatomy, functional impacts of brain injury, effective interventions, and the services and supports offered in Virginia.

About Brain Injury: Bridging the Gap Between Brain Injury and Homelessness Course


 This course is designed to help you learn about how brain injury can impact those experiencing homelessness.

Taking an online course

What are Students Saying about the Certificate Course?

"I thought it was very well done. It took me longer than 3 hours, but I was taking notes and watching some sections more than once. I was super impressed with that course."
DARS logo


This project is supported [in part] by Grant #90TBSG0035-01-00, from the Administration for Community Living (ACL), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and state contracts #14-322 and #16-002A administered by the Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS). Grantees undertaking projects under government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official policy of ACL or DARS.

Need help? Or have a Question?

Contact us at [email protected]