Submit A Blog to BIAV

The Brain Injury Association of Virginia advances education, awareness, support, treatment, and research to improve the quality of life for all people affected by brain injury. This includes providing people a place to share their stories, which is why we love for guest blog posts.

Blog Goals

Our goal for our blog is to share content that’s educational, engaging, and entertaining. We want the posts to be interesting, helpful and motivating, not self-promotional.

We don’t want any jargon or corporate speak. Keep it conversational and make sure you’re writing at a level that’s easy for others to understand. Think about it this way-

The audience is busy. What are they going to get out of your post?


  • Posts should be 1,000 – 1,500+ words in length.
  • Keep paragraphs short - No longer than 4 lines. We adhere to the one space after the period philosophy, not two.
  • Write in a natural, conversational tone. We want to share content that is authoritative, but not robotic. We’re producing blog content — not Wikipedia pages, so don’t shy away from showing off your sense of humor and a piece of you!
  • All content MUST BE ORIGINAL. We do not accept posts that have appeared anywhere else on the web.
  • Tell your story. Write about what you’ve been through, things you’ve learned, mistakes you’ve made, what you wish other people understood about brain injury.
  • Break your story up visually if you can. Most people skim articles until they find the value; use bullet points and lists to make this easy. We love images in the blog; they make it more interesting and easier to read. If you use them, they must be at least 710px wide, and please don’t use stock photos (unless absolutely necessary, which is hardly ever).
  • Link to other content whenever relevant and when it adds value for readers.
  • Promotional content: BIAV will not share anything that's too promotional for your company or organization. If you have any questions or concerns, please email [email protected].

Post Themes and Topics

  • Successes or challenges getting services
  • Challenges faced and overcome
  • Most important piece of advice you ever got along this journey
  • Best encouragement you got along this journey.
  • Knowledge and insights from your life experiences that may help someone else.
  • What you know now you wish you had known then
  • Helping people better understand the impact of brain injury
  • The work being done every day to improve the ability to diagnose and treat brain injury
  • Expert Q&A
  • BI research updates

While brainstorming what to write about, ask yourself these questions:

  • Will this topic be relevant to the audience?
  • Will this post offer solutions or advice?
  • What insight can I bring to this topic that nobody else can?

Ready to Go?