More Than My Brain Injury – A Mother’s Love

Letitia Council, a BIAV Speaker's Bureau member, wanted to share her caregiver story in honor of Brain Injury Awareness Month. 

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My name is Letitia Council, founder of The Nasia Foundation, and experienced brain injury caregiver. I became a caregiver for my daughter, Ja'Nasia, the evening of her motor vehicle accident in August 2019. Ja’Nasia’s accident was severe and life-threatening. Ja’Nasia was in the Intensive Care Unit, on a ventilator and unconscious and I never left her side. As her mother, I jumped right into the role of caregiver.
She had sustained a right frontotemporopartietal subdural hemorrhage. Nasia stayed in the hospital for 28 days, ICU for ten days, and life support for sixteen days. Doctors told my husband and I our daughter’s quality of life would soon come to an end, due to the severity of her injury.
Ja’Nasia was transported to Sheltering Arms Rehabilitation, where she received phenomenal care. There, she began to awake from her vegetative state even more. She received intense physical therapy and after being under the physician’s care, our doctor told me he would be discharging Nasia. I got excited; this would be her first time coming home since she left the evening in August.
Nasia arrived home on October 3, 2019 and that’s when my caregiving role went into full effect. The night she arrived home for the first time, she had to readjust to the environment because it wasn’t familiar right away due to her injury. I was so excited to have my daughter back home. The next morning, I begin to the first day of many days to come.
My role as a caregiver to Nasia wasn’t anything I had to think about. From the moment my husband and I talked about when our daughter would return home, I knew I wouldn’t return back to work; I would be the one to stay at home to care for her. My daughter and I had a routine and she got used to me doing everything for her. She didn’t want anyone else to do it for her, which at times was funny. It meant a lot to me to be there for my daughter. It helped me to see things from a different perspective.
One thing that resonated on this journey was never take life for granted because life can literally change in 9 seconds. Though my daughter couldn’t communicate with me like she used to, it made our relationship closer. No matter what life brings, caring for your loved one should be done from the heart and with love.
It may seem like an easy role at times, but there are days caregivers need a break to care for ourselves. Did I do that? No, I didn’t. If you are currently a caregiver, please be mindful of self-care without regrets. To continue to care for your loved one, you have to first care for yourself. It’s okay to admit you are not okay, and don’t be afraid or embarrassed to ask for help. Every Caregiver needs a Caregiver.
Throughout my journey as a Caregiver having a strong support system is a blessing. Praying, journaling, reading and support groups are a great help; don’t be afraid to join a support group.
Our foundation, The Nasia Foundation, offers a Caregiver’s Monthly Support Group.
On April 25, 2021, around 10:20am, my caregiver role came to an end. God called my daughter home to rest in His arms. That day at that moment, I didn’t know what I was going to make in the days to come. I scheduled everything I did around Nasia. She was cared for first every day, before I cared for myself. My heart was broken, Nasia was the oldest of five kids. Although I’m not currently her Caregiver in our home, I am still a Caregiver. I am now working back in the healthcare field as a Certified Nursing Aide at a Hospice agency.

“Living Their Lives Through Our Minds”

How to contact us

The Nasia Foundation

P.O. Box 6662

Portsmouth, Virginia


Email: [email protected] or [email protected].