Caregiving Spouses or Partners of a TBI Survivor are invited to participate in a brief research study

Caregiving Spouses or Partners of a TBI Survivor are invited to participate in a brief research study being conducted by a clinical psychology doctoral student (PsyD) from Loyola University Maryland.

We are looking to better understand the unique experience of burden that many spousal caregivers face following TBI, so that caregivers at greatest risk can be more quickly and easily identified, and can begin to receive appropriate referrals and much-needed support.

The principal investigator of this study is seeking willing participants who meet the following criteria:

1. Your partner/spouse was diagnosed with a moderate or severe TBI (i.e., in a coma/unconscious for at least 6 hours after their injury, Glasgow Coma Scale score of 13 or less)

            2. You are currently in a committed relationship with your spouse/partner.

3. You and your spouse or partner were married or in a committed relationship for at least two years prior to the TBI.

4. It been longer than 1 year, and no more than 10 years, since the TBI.

5. You are over the age of 21

*NOTEYou do not need to currently live with your partner to participate in this survey!

If you agree to participate, you will be asked to complete an online survey by using the included link. It should take approximately 20-30 minutes to complete.

After you have completed the questionnaire, you will be given the option to include your email address in a separate survey link in order to be entered in a raffle for one $50 Amazon gift card as a thank-you for your time. The winner’s email will be drawn at the conclusion of this research study. You will also have the option to decline this offer upon the survey’s completion. There will be no additional contact from any member of the research team after your answers have been submitted.

To access this study, please follow this link to the online survey. You will be asked to review additional information about the study before you begin.

Any questions pertaining to this research study may be addressed to the Principal Investigator, Paige Victorine, M.S., ([email protected]) or her research advisor, Dr. Christopher Higginson ([email protected]).