Take a Survey

Do you live in Virginia? Have you had a traumatic brain injury (TBI)? If yes, we want to hear from you! Virginia Commonwealth University researchers are seeking adults with traumatic brain injuries who live in Virginia to answer a 5-minute survey regarding pain and opioid use. All participants must be at least 18 years old.…

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We’re Committed to Community

Anne McDonnell, Executive Director There have been few times in our history that have demanded as much from us as the coronavirus pandemic; this is the hardest thing many of us have ever experienced, and it seems like we’ve got a long way to go before we can meet together, eat together, and hug each…

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Governor Northam Issues Statewide Stay at Home Order

Map of Virginia

RICHMOND—Governor Ralph Northam today issued a statewide Stay at Home order to protect the health and safety of Virginians and mitigate the spread of the novel coronavirus, or COVID-19. The executive order takes effect immediately and will remain in place until June 10, 2020, unless amended or rescinded by a further executive order. The order…

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Recruiting Individuals with TBI to Review Consumer Fact Sheet Testing

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NIDILRR Recruiting Individuals with TBI to Review Consumer Factsheet Testing The NIDILRR-funded Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center (MSKTC) is recruiting individuals with disabilities and their caregivers to review and provide feedback on new consumer information products. Individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI) and their caregivers are needed to review factsheets on a wide range of…

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Virginia Medicaid is Taking Action to Fight COVID-19

An Update on COVID-19 from Virginia Medicaid The Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS) is working with Governor Northam, the Virginia Department of Health (VDH), and other state agencies to take immediate actions to help fight COVID-19. DMAS is committed to increasing access to health care for the over 1.5 million Virginia Medicaid members…

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Your Action is Needed!

Tell Congress: Include Persons with Disabilities in the New Coronavirus Relief Bill! Congress has passed two bills to respond to the coronavirus pandemic. More must still be done to support people with disabilities, their families, and the direct support professionals (DSP) workforce. The entire country is facing the health and economic impacts of COVID-19, but…

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Provider Flexibility Related to COVID-19

Virginia medicaid has just put out a Memo regarding initial guidance on the flexibilities available to providers in light of the public health emergency presented by the COVID-19 virus. Read the Memo. (3.19.2020)

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Tell Congress: Include People With Disabilities in Coronavirus Relief Bill!

US Capitol Building

The Arc Disability Advocacy Network has gotten right on this issue, and we think this applies to our community too.   Please lend a hand and tell Congress to support people with disabilities in Coronavirus Relief Bill! Tell Congress: Include People With Disabilities in Coronavirus Relief Bill! ***Update*** The House of Representatives has passed this bill…

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COVID-19 information By and For People with Disabilities


this 8 page booklet about the Coronavirus is written in plain language. It was created by and for people with disabilities. Provided by the Self Advocacy Resource and Technical Assistance Center-SARTAC   Plain Language information on the Coronavirus.  

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More free legal advice available to patients of Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU

young girl having her helmet put on

An additional 50 attorneys are now available to CHoR families with legal needs that impact the health of their children, thanks to a new partnership launched by Children’s Hospital of Richmond at Virginia Commonwealth University with McGuireWoods and Dominion Energy. The new partnership significantly expands the existing Medical-Legal Partnership – Richmond program, which began in…

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