Past and Continuing Efforts

  • In 1995, ‘Reported Head Injury and Disciplinary Rule Infractions in Prison,’ an article in The Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, raised awareness about individuals with brain injuries having double the disciplinary infraction rates of those without such injuries. Subsequently, in 2006, the Commission on Safety and Abuse in American’s Prisons emphasized the necessity for increased screening in correctional facilities. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) echoed this need in 2011. This global concern has led countries worldwide to allocate resources for studying and implementing strategies to support inmates with brain injuries.  
  • Virginia conducted a juvenile justice initiative in 2012 to continue the discussion with prominent brain injury specialists across the country.  
  • Countries around the world have and continue to dedicate resources to research and interventions for aiding individuals with brain injuries in the justice system as a whole.  

Check out this video report from Denver7 news about two individuals who have had experience being incarcerated with brain injuries and what they are doing now to help create change.