Camp Bruce McCoy

camp Bruce McCoy campers in a canoe

Camp Bruce McCoy is the highlight of our year. It provides fun, safety, and total relaxation for the camper and the caregivers of the camper. Every year it gets better and better if that is possible. The staff is full of love and excitement for the campers. They are like our family away from home. I love those guys because when I look at the pictures of my son at camp, I can see that he is happy and enjoying himself, which is very important to me. ~Mother of a Camper

The 2025 Camp Bruce McCoy dates will be here before we know it! Watch here for updates, our dates should be similar to 2024.

2024 Dates

Week 1: May 19-25 2024
Mini Camp: May 25-26 2024
Week 2: May 26-June 1 2024

Contact us for more information. Call at 804-355-5748 x110 or direct at 804-916-5205. You can also email [email protected] with questions.

Camp Counselors are needed, apply below.

About Camp

Camp Bruce McCoy, named in memory of a former camper, is a nationally-recognized, 38-year-old residential summer camp and respite program for adult survivors of brain injury (18+) and their family members/caregivers.

While family members and caregivers enjoy some much-deserved time focusing on time for themselves, campers enjoy recreational programming customized to their needs and interests in the company of their peers and professionally trained staff and volunteers.

Campers undergo a rigorous application process to ensure eligibility and safety for themselves, other campers, and staff and volunteers. All campers are required to have health insurance, emergency contacts, physician-generated medications lists, sign-off from a medical provider, and clearance from BIAV’s Medical Consultant.


Each day, campers choose from dozens of challenging and fun activities, including horseback riding, canoeing, team sports, and a ropes challenge course, each specifically adapted to the camper’s abilities. These social recreational programs reduce the level of social isolation typical among persons with brain injury by providing access to a community of their peers – people who understand exactly what they are experiencing.

If you would like to be added to our camp mailing list, email [email protected].

Want to Support Camp Bruce McCoy?