Sponsorship Opportunities

The annual Charity Golf Classic proceeds benefit people with brain injury, their family members, and caregivers. Your sponsorship donation means a lot to many.

 Gold Sponsor $3,000

  • Registration for a golf team of four
  • Special recognition and corporate logo on event day signage and on practice grounds
  • Sponsor recognition on the event web page with link to company website
  • Sponsor recognition on all promotional material for the event
  • Sponsor recognition at event reception
  • Opportunity to provide promotional materials to golfers
  • Recognition through BIAV E-newsletter
  • $2,200 tax deductible

Reception Sponsor $1750

  • Special recognition displayed on event day
  • Sponsor recognition on the event web page with link to company website
  • Two reception tickets
  • Opportunity to put swag in golf bags
  • 100% tax deductible

$1,500 Sponsorship Opportunities (Limited Availability)


       Practice Tee Sponsors             Award Ceremony Sponsors

       Driving Range Sponsors          Breakfast Sponsors                

       Putting Green Sponsors          Golf Clinic Sponsors

  • Special recognition displayed on event day
  • Opportunity to put swag in golf bags
  • 100% tax deductible

Beverage Cart Sponsor $1,250

  • Logo on beverage cart
  • Opportunity to put swag in golf bags
  • 100% tax deductible

Hole Sponsors $500

  • Name on hole signage
  • Name listed as event sponsor
  • 100% tax deductible