What To Do If You Believe Someone Has Experienced a Brain Injury

If you suspect an inmate has experienced a brain injury, there are several actions you can take:  

  • Connect them to resources available at the correctional facility  
  • Speak with your supervisor  
  • Talk with him/her about the challenges they are experiencing – try to brainstorm solutions that work 
  • Connect him/her with BIAV and other brain injury resources for when they are in the community  
  • Make a note in their file 
  • Encourage beneficial activities:  
    • Exercising 
    • Yoga / mindfulness 
    • Getting plenty of sleep (8+ hours) 
    • Eating enough food  
    • Speaking with others about what they are experiencing  
    • Journaling or writing letters  
  • NOTE: even if the screening is negative for brain injury, you can continue to utilize these strategies to promote increased quality of life for all inmates