Researchers Seeking Women Caregivers to Participate in Virtual Interviews

Are you a woman serving as a full-time caregiver to a survivor of brain injury? If so, your voice, ideas, and perspectives are sought for a study that will help inform practice and supports.

Most caregiving is provided by mothers, partners, sisters, and daughters, but few studies have looked specifically at the experiences of these women. There is a need to better understand factors impacting quality of life for women caregivers. Learning of the successes from your experience may lend support for others in similar situations. The results of this project will assist in developing helpful supports and resources for women caregivers.

Participation will involve a 30-45 minute telephone or Zoom interview with Dr. Cynthia O’Donoghue and Dr. Cara Meixner, both professors at James Madison University and advocates within the brain injury community.

Additional participation qualifications include:
• Must identify as women, age 18 or older who are in the role of full-time, live-in
caregiver to a survivor of brain injury.
• The survivor’s brain injury must have occurred at least one year previously.
• Participants must be able to participate in an interview that will be held in English.

To participate, please contact Cara at [email protected] or at 540-568-4830.