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2020 Mission Report
2020 started as most New Year’s do…full of hope, new ideas for a new decade, and excitement for the possibilities that lay ahead. We often take for granted how much we rely on routine, structure, and predictability, and in March 2020, when those assets disappeared, our only option was to embrace change, creativity, and spontaneity. We pushed ourselves this year, beyond what we thought we could achieve. The world may still be a confusing and unpredictable place, but we know staying focused on the three pillars of our 2020 successes - renewal, reinvention, and readiness - will help us grow into a stronger organization to serve you in 2021.
We’re renewing our commitment as an Association to achieving our mission by making deeper connections within our community. We’ve increased our communications to provide more updates and information, prioritized creating new resources to address social isolation, self-care, and health tips, and highlighted personal stories to spread positivity. What we heard from the community in response reaffirmed how our pursuit to provide help, hope, and healing is unstoppable, even when faced with the unexpected. “I would have given up,” said one caller, “but you guys gave me hope!”
We’re reinventing many of the programs we offer to support the brain injury community. We fully embraced the virtual event space with 2 conferences, 1 Caregiver Forum, and 14 support group meetings all happening online, and launched 3 online peer communities for members in 2020. We created a gift card program to provide some financial relief for individuals needing assistance for basic needs like groceries. These initiatives and more are sure to shape our programming for many years to come. Camp Bruce McCoy will look different this year and we are enhancing our Information and Referral program to meet the needs of the community and give access to our services in a variety of ways.
We’re ready to take on new challenges. The changes we made over the last year also came with a newfound sense of confidence that when navigating the unexpected, BIAV, our staff, and our community will prevail. Not only are we ready for what 2021 has in store for us, but we are excited to take it on. However, we would not be so optimistic if it weren’t for your generosity and support. From our event attendees to social media ambassadors, donors to individuals needing information and referral support, and everyone in between, we are so grateful for and inspired by your resilience.
The way things were will never again be the way things are. For BIAV, that means our purpose, vision, and commitment to our work will help pave the way for a new future where anything is possible.

We have helped families navigate
the unexpected for 38 years.
And 2020 was no different.
We Educated
persons with brain injury, caregivers, and professionals attended virtual educational events throughout the year.
We Expanded Awareness
Our new Concussion Awareness Campaign, "Know the Signs," reached over 5,000 people across social media and
our website.

In collaboration with Capital One Branding, we created
and distributed new promotional materials for the
Information & Referral program. The final project earned the Excellence in Collaboration Award from the Brain Injury Association of America.
We appeared on CBS 6 to promote Brain Injury Awareness Day at the General Assembly and were featured on 9 additional multimedia platforms including podcasts and newspaper articles.
We Supported
6,695 Virginians to access brain injury information and referral services.
14 virtual support groups for persons with brain injury and caregivers.
47 people needing temporary financial assistance for basic needs such as food and gas.
In total, our support programs impacted over 14,000 Virginians
"I am so glad I stumbled on BIAV. Previously in search of help I had made numerous calls with no help at all. I have told people I struck gold with BIAV. I am looking forward to delving into all the info Christine sent me. I am sure this will prove to be very important & helpful."
"The conversation I had with your office was incredible! The staffer was warm, empathetic, thorough, and down to earth. She pulled together meaningful strategies and organized an attack plan from a mass of difficult and disparate emotions, experiences and observations."
"My contact with BIAV was personable, experienced, knowledgeable and very helpful. I cannot imagine a more caring organization to help guide me through a tough time with my family member."
"This call was extremely helpful! I would have given up. You guys believed me, understood my symptoms, didn’t trivialize and belittle me, didn’t embarrass me and gave me hope!"
We Connected
Virginians hospitalized because of a brain injury received letters from us with information about how we can help.
Using Mighty Networks, online peer communities became a focal point for membership and building new relationships among:
(more than 10 years in the field)
Young Professionals
(less than 10 years in the field)
of someone with a brain injury
Interested in being a part of one of our online communities? Joining as a member gives you an automatic invite.
We Advocated
Thanks to our efforts, as of July 1, 2020, Crisis Intervention Teams (CITs) responding to mental health crises are required to go through special training on brain injury.
If you weren’t a brain injury advocate
before you met Anne, you will be after.

Our Executive Director, Anne McDonnell, was awarded the William A.B. Ditto Excellence in Public Policy at the National Association of
State Head Injury Administrators (NASHIA) annual conference. The award
recognizes NASHIA members who have significantly impacted service delivery
for individuals living with a brain injury due to public policy advocacy.
View the award presentation video here.
FY20 Financials
(July 2019 - June 2020)

Total Expenses

Total Revenue

BIAV is proud to have the Platinum Seal of Transparency from GuideStar. Click the button to view our profile, which includes additional financial information.
Our work would not be possible
without the generosity of our supporters.
Our Partners
Thank you to the organizations who provide year-round support of our mission, events, and programs.
Our Champions
We gratefully acknowledge those who contributed $250 or more to our mission in FY20.
Allstate - The Giving Campaign
Barbara Carter
Barbara Hignutt
Beach Fellowship Operations/Roger and Anita Gibson
Brain Injury Law Center
Breit Cantor Grana Buckner
Caroline Carter
Dr. Charles Dillard
Mary Spotswood and E. Hatcher Crenshaw, Jr. Fund at the Community Foundation for a Greater Richmond
Dan Raper
Dana Larson
Darcy Carroll
Debbie and Ramon Ybarra
Derek O'Neal
Frankie and Trey Brewster
Joseph Radford, Jr. and Kelly Radford
Kelli Gary
Krista and Todd Tyra
Laura Smiley
Lauren Daugherty and Kathleen Fletcher
Law Office of Edward Scher, PLC
Luncheon Pilot Club of Chesapeake
Medical College of Virginia Foundation/VCU In-Patient Physical Rehab Department
Medical Rehabilitation Resource Consultants
Meg Kelly
Mike Mathisen
Motto Mortgage
NeuroRestorative - The Mentor Network
Revere Family Foundation
Richmond Area Bicycling Association
Sally Revere
Schwab Charitable/Alice Valder
Curran and Charles Curran
Scott and Melissa Bucci
Sheltering Arms Fund, a component fund of the Community Foundation for a Greater Richmond
Sheryl and Benjamin Grumney
The Benevity Community Impact Fund
Tree of Life Services, Inc.
Trish Smith
Virginia T Dashiell Charitable Foundation
Willard Milby
William Moore
Become a champion in 2021